English Bulldogs

English bulldogs are a special kind of dog, with special kinds of veterinary needs. Dr. Stephens has many years of experience serving this unique breed all over the D/FW Metroplex. After owning several of her own she has firsthand experience on just what it takes to care for them. At Park Plaza Animal Clinic we take pride in caring for your English Bulldog. Maintenance is key in caring for your English Bulldog. Early detection of common English Bulldog health problems can save you time, money and your pet some unwanted pain and stress.

English Bulldog  Common Health Problems.


Demodectic mange is caused by a mite that infects the hair follicles. Most pups pick up these mites from their mother when they are nursing, and do not normally cause any problems. It is those pets that have an inadequate immune system that develop this disease. The parasite is only visible under a microscope and requires a skin scraping to properly diagnose.


 Skin fold dermatitis:

Skin fold dermatitis is a skin problem that occurs when the facial folds, tail folds and vaginal folds retain moisture, which can lead to Infection and allergic dermatitis. Often English Bulldogs also have Seborrhea (greasy smelly coat) that predisposes them to secondary yeast infection of the skin.

It's essential that you start EARLY with preventive measures:

1.Routine Baths
2.Oral EFA (essential fatty acids)/ Fish Oil: (3V-Caps, Ultra EFA)
3. Pads, Wipes, Ointment (for skin folds)
4. Good quality food.

Ear Infections:

Otitis Externa is an inflammation of the external ear canal, infections are caused by fungus, bacteria or parasites. Laboratory tests can help to determine which of these is the cause in your pet and what medications may be required to treat their ears.  Routine cleaning will help prevent infections from occurring.

Heat Stroke:

Occurs when exposed to excessive environmental temperatures and being unable to dissipate the heat quickly. English bulldogs are especially sensitive to the heat and should never be left alone on hot summer days.  Walks should be avoided.


  Hip Dysplasia:

Hip dysplasia Is a malformation of the hip joint that results in pain, limping and arthritis. X-Ray’s are usually the best diagnostic tool. Keeping your bulldog at a healthy fit weight will aid in preventing further problems as your pet gets older.

Diet and Medication Management:

1.Weight Loss

2.Joint Support Supplements

  Hypoplastic trachea: (collapsed trachea) is an undersized windpipe that results in difficulty breathing and can increase the chances of developing pneumonia. X-Rays of the neck can help with the diagnosis.

  Hypothyroidism: Is an under active thyroid gland that can result in sluggishness, weight gain and serious illness.  Blood Test would be necessary for definitive diagnosis.

 Cherry eye: is a prolapse of the third eyelid. Though not a serious injury and does not cause blindness, the prolapse can be irritating to the surface of the eye and cause persistent tearing or eye pain. A surgical procedure can be done to correct the problem.


 Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (KCS): describes a condition of decreased tear production. When the watery part of the tears is not produced in adequate amounts, the eye becomes chronically inflamed, and scarring and pigmentation of the cornea may lead to a decrease in vision. Another commonly used term to describe this disease is “dry eye.” An exam by Dr. Stephens is important to ensure that your pet's condition does not worsen. A tear test should be done to evaluate tear production and a stain of the cornea can be done to find evidence of corneal injury (ulcers/Keratitis).

  Entropion: is a problem with the eyelid that causes inward rolling. Lashes on the edge of the eyelid irritate the surface of the eyeball and may lead to more serious problems. Surgery is the only effective treatment.


Breeding: Because of their build English Bulldogs require Artificial Insemination in order to breed.

This involves bringing both your Male and Female into the clinic, Dr. Stephens and staff will collect a sample from your male and insert into your female. It is important that you contact our clinic to ensure that you are following all the correct steps prior to bringing them in.

 Dystocia: Is the term used to describe difficult labor. Due to their large heads, it is difficult for the mother to pass the puppies vaginally and require cesareans to deliver their babies.

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7:30 am-12:00 pm


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8:00 am-12:00 pm
